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What's so great about your place?
Aug, 30, 2011, by member Cindy Amato

Have you all heard of airbnb? I had not until today. It's a vacation rental listing site, but what caught my eye was their Top 40 list of spaces. They describe it as the following: "A compendium of our Top 40 spaces around the globe. From couch to castle, treehouse to houseboat, behold Airbnb's finest, quirkiest and downright extraordinary properties available for your booking pleasure!"

Here's the link: Airbnb's Top 40

Take a look at some of the spaces! Very neat. Isn't it amazing what a great photo can do along with a unique location, feature, or even great interior design? Now, I know most vacation rentals are NOT actually castles, built into the side of a mountain, up in a tree, or made to look like a shoe. But, it just makes me think what one can do to their vacation rental to make it stand out a little, to make guests go "ooooooh that's cool/cute/heavenly!"

What do you do to make your vacation rental stand out from the crowd?


Member John Amato John Amato
Joined: Jan 30, 2009
Topics: 133   Replies: 833
posted on Aug 30, 2011 02:53 PM:

Nice article, thanks for the tip!
Member dlxhivac dlxhivac
Joined: May 11, 2011
Topics: 25   Replies: 39
posted on Nov 18, 2012 08:05 AM:

Your link doesn't work.
Airbnb is not cheap! 3% of my annual rental gross is $2700 plus they also charge the renter a service fee!


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